Why Papua is Called a Small Paradise in Indonesia


At the end of 2024, Steve Mara, Chairman of the Melanesian Youth Diplomacy Forum, continued his soft diplomacy efforts in France. 

During these soft diplomacy activities, Steve Mara explained several key reasons why Papua is often referred to as a small paradise at the easternmost tip of Indonesia. 

The events were held in two different locations in France, namely the cities of Paris and Marseille. In these forums, Steve highlighted four main reasons why Papua is considered a small paradise. 

**First**, Papua is a land of peace, a place inhabited by diverse tribes, cultures, and religions, yet everyone can coexist peacefully without conflict. 

People from Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, and other regions can live harmoniously in Papua. They also come from different religious backgrounds, such as Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. These differences are well-maintained, resulting in almost no social friction. 

**Second**, he emphasized that Papua boasts extraordinary natural beauty, featuring world-class tourist destinations accessible to travelers. 

**Third**, its rich and diverse traditions and cultures include seven major customary regions: Tabi, Saireri, Anim Ha, La Pago, Me Pago, Domberai, and Bomberai. Papua is home to 255 tribes and 428 local languages. Despite this diversity, its cultural wealth is well-preserved through annual festivals, traditional rituals, and folklore shared with the community. 

**Fourth**, Papua is abundant in natural resources, such as gold, oil, and gas, as well as vast marine and terrestrial potentials that can serve as sources of regional income. 

Based on these four reasons, Steve invited the international community to visit Papua at any time to enjoy its beauty and natural wealth. 

Furthermore, he emphasized that Papua is being well-developed by the government through various programs aimed at accelerating development. 

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