Support the Firmness of Security Forces in Dealing with OPM


The attacks by the Free Papua Movement (OPM) against the Indonesian security forces (TNI/Polri), and even civilians, continue to occur up to the present.

This undoubtedly adds to the long list of sorrows due to the conflicts happening in Papua. Moreover, the presence of OPM also poses a serious obstacle to development efforts in Papua.

Investment and economic development are difficult to realize amidst the tension and uncertainty caused by OPM activities. The people of Papua themselves are the primary victims of this situation, as violence and instability will only worsen their economic and social conditions.

This is the main reason behind the public support for maintaining stability, peace, and security in Papua, as well as Indonesia in general.

The violent actions and terror carried out by separatist groups like OPM not only threaten the lives and well-being of the local population but have also damaged infrastructure, hindered development, and disrupted public order.

Senior politician and Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Golkar Party, Aburizal Bakrie, supports the efforts of the TNI and Polri to firmly deal with the separatist groups calling themselves OPM.

Bakrie stated that any rebellion against the Republic of Indonesia and disobedience to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) must be firmly addressed, and there should be no compromise. This has nothing to do with human rights.

He added that various violent incidents that have occurred in Papua recently are considered intolerable.

The step taken by the Commander of the TNI, General Agus Subiyanto, to change the term Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua to OPM is the right move.

According to Bakrie, changing the term Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua to OPM is one of the firm steps taken by the TNI in responding to various armed violent acts that have been disturbing and harming the people and the TNI/Polri personnel in Papua.

Because OPM is a separatist movement that clearly and evidently threatens the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

In addition to taking firm action, the TNI/Polri are also asked not to abandon a welfare approach to assist in accelerating development and the welfare of the Papuan people.

Support for the government to take decisive action against OPM is part of the push to uphold the rule of law and ensure that the state can maintain security and territorial integrity while still guaranteeing the welfare of its people. All parties are considered to have been very consistent from the beginning that anything threatening the NKRI must be eradicated.

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