Positive Impact of the 10th World Water Forum in Bali


The 10th World Water Forum (WWF-10) in Bali is not just an international event gathering world leaders and prominent business figures but also brings significant positive impacts, especially for economic growth in Bali and Indonesia as a whole.

In an interview with Fithra Faisal Hastiadi, PhD, a senior economist at Samuel Sekuritas and lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, it was stated that this event has a direct impact on Bali’s tourism industry. The presence of world leaders and business figures such as Elon Musk at the event serves as a potential magnet to increase tourist visits to Bali.

However, the positive impacts of this event are not only seen in the tourism sector. Fithra explained that the focus on water cleanliness, sanitation, and sustainability, which are central to the forum, are integral parts of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG number 6 concerning clean water and sanitation. Discussions about economic sustainability also include intertemporal aspects, considering not only current economic growth but also sustainable economic balance for the future.

Moreover, this event also serves as an important moment in the context of global geopolitics. Fithra described how, amidst tensions between major countries, forums like this can be a platform to unite various parties in seeking solutions to common challenges, such as the water crisis faced by many countries.

The declaration resulting from this forum embodies the agreements and global consensus on the importance of maintaining the sustainability of water resources. Although the declaration is a starting step, Fithra is optimistic that it will lead to concrete implementation on the ground.

One of the important topics discussed in the forum was the proposal for a Global Water Fund, aimed at providing global funding for countries in need to maintain water sustainability. Fithra highlighted the importance of joint funding in solving problems faced by economically underdeveloped countries.

Furthermore, Fithra emphasized that this event demonstrates a global commitment to addressing water challenges together. Although there is no guarantee that this event will directly solve all problems, he believes that the presence of global leaders concerned with sustainability indicates that the world is moving in a better direction.

Overall, the 10th World Water Forum in Bali is not only a discussion forum but also an important momentum to raise global awareness of the importance of preserving water resources and economic sustainability. With the commitment and collaboration demonstrated in this forum, it is hoped that concrete steps will be taken to ensure water sustainability for future generations.

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